At Beachborough Prep in Westbury near Brackley, Northamptonshire and close to Buckingham, Bicester and Banbury, we welcome many new students into our top two year groups, each year.
In Years 7 and 8, we place strong emphasis on preparing children for their place at secondary school. We foster independence, encourage them to embrace new challenges without fear of failure, and expose them to a wide range of experiences.
Our senior school-style tutor groups and lesson timetables empower the children to take ownership of their learning. They learn to be organised and prepared, whilst enjoying the supportive and nurturing environment of our country prep school.
With 35 acres of grounds, state-of-the-art facilities, the CEL Programme and our recent implementation of personal laptops for children in Year 7 and 8, we ensure that each and every child has the opportunity to thrive and develop the skills needed for success in the 21st Century in addition to making an army of great friends and, plenty of happy memories!
We enrich our Year 7 and 8 curriculums in a number of ways.
• Our Programme of Sport is designed to maximise participation and inclusivity so that all pupils benefit, regardless of their level of ability and interest.
• With over 30 clubs each week, our Co-Curricular offering provides something that every child can take part in, giving them a chance to express themselves in ways that aren’t always possible in the classroom.
• We identify Higher-Level Learners in all year groups across the school and provide learning support, where required.
• Our CEL Programme (Character, Ethics, Leadership) aims to develop our pupils to have a good sense of awareness, a sound moral compass, and the necessary skills and knowledge to take on challenges in their unknown future.
• Our Digital Strategy is based on a vision that every Beachborough Prep pupil will know how to use technology positively, responsibly and safely, creating a community of digitally literate learners who are real-word ready.
• In Years 7 and 8, children have the opportunity to obtain a position of responsibility and become a Boarding Mentor to the younger boarders. Our flexible boarding offering means that children can try a one-off stay or, become a regular boarder.
• Children are encouraged to apply for a Scholarship to their senior school of choice. Alongside their own hard work and dedication, our scholarship programme provides an abundance of support in preparing the children for the work, commitment and examinations that go into securing them.
• Year 7 and 8 pupils can enjoy a diverse and exciting range of lectures via our TED Talk Programme from visiting professionals.
• We offer thrilling and engaging educational trips and residentials to enrich the learning in these years.
Current Year 8 pupil, Wallis, joined us from her local primary school at the start of Year 7 and said of her experience:
“I came from a really small primary school so Beachborough seemed very big at first. However, I had already made up my mind that I wanted to join the school after my tour and had seen everything there was to do. On my first day I was worried about fitting in but the girls in Year 7 were really welcoming and I quickly fitted in. My buddy made me feel very welcome and I never felt left out.”
“I absolutely love art and found the art rooms amazing. Now as a Year 8 pupil and as an Art Ambassador, I run break time art club along with my friends.”
“Beachborough is a really friendly school, and the teachers are all very approachable. At first it did seem really big, but I quickly found my way around. I absolutely love the art and sport at Beachborough Prep as well as science lessons in the labs!”
“Being a Prefect has enabled me to learn so many leadership skills. Mrs Cox worked really hard with me in preparation for my Art Scholarship to Bloxham School and I will take the skills that I have learnt, onto my next school. My teachers have been wonderful at helping me to prepare for end of year exams. Beachborough is a really great school!”
A huge thank you to Wallis for allowing us to interview her for this piece.
If you would like to learn more about joining Beachborough in Year 7 or Year 8, please contact our Admissions Team on,