students using magnifying glasses


In Reception, children continue to follow the national Early Years curriculum, with the addition of learning French and Music with specialist teachers. They learn to write in cursive script, which is beneficial to their writing ability across the board. They learn in small groups with lots of individual attention from their teachers, and they enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities in the woods and garden, but especially in the outdoor area of their classroom which has a canopy which can even be used when it’s raining.

Each term, Reception classes set off on an exciting trip to a place that will help to bring the topic they are studying to life. Recent examples include The Heritage Motor Centre when they were exploring transport and the Natural History Museum in Oxford when the theme was dinosaurs. From the spring term, they can choose activities and clubs from the co-curricular programme.

With the national Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum as our framework for Nursery, Kindergarten and our Reception classes, we focus on teaching, supporting and challenging each child within the seven key areas of learning:

  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design