students playing netball

Welcome from Mrs Simone Mitchell

I would like to introduce myself to you as the new Head of Beachborough, taking over from Christian Pritchard’s efficacious leadership of the school for the past five years, during which time the school’s reputation has gone from strength to strength. I feel very privileged to be joining Beachborough and I look forward to leading the school as it continues to be successful, grow and develop. The school is so wonderfully warm, has an idyllic setting and incredible facilities. I am keen to continue to give the children an educational experience that equips them for every aspect of life.

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.”

Albert Einstein

This quotation by Albert Einstein sums up for me why I became a teacher. To be able to awaken joy in learning. To share the passion I had for English, my chosen subject with children and, hope that they would become curious and passionate too.

I began my teaching career in 1996, following two years in Japan working for the Japanese government in the prefecture of Fukushima. The first 15 years were spent teaching English in Senior Schools both Independent and State. In 2011, I moved to Swanbourne House, where I have spent the last 12 years in many roles ranging from Head of Department, Deputy Head Academic, Senior Deputy Head and last year as Acting Head.

Being appointed as Head of Beachborough has fulfilled a lifelong ambition to be the Head of a truly, stand-alone, Independent Prep School.  Alongside working at Swanbourne, I have been a PGCE Tutor for Buckingham University as well as a lecturer on their PGCE courses.

I am absolutely delighted and proud to have been appointed as the 9th Head of Beachborough and I very much intend for this to be an exciting and progressive chapter in our combined history, ensuring that Beachborough offers the very best education for our children and I look forward to working with both the inspirational team here at the school and the families who have so carefully chosen Beachborough for their children.

I believe that greatness lies within every child. It isn’t just what they do, it is who they are – and it is the job of us who work with the children every day, to help recognise this and to find the greatness within them.

At Beachborough, the children will firmly remain at the centre of all that we do. I aim for us to continue to be a vibrant and inclusive community that fosters in the children academic excellence, character development, and a deep appreciation for the arts, STEM, sports, and the world around. I will continue to empower children to explore their passions, unleash their potential, and embrace a lifelong love for learning.

I look forward to meeting you all on Wednesday 6th September 2023 for the start of the new academic year.

Simone Mitchell