School Fees

What is included?

Beachborough Prep works hard to ensure fees represent good value for the outstanding all-round education we provide. We care about being as transparent as possible and for this reason, include everything, apart from optional music lessons, school trips, boarding and our co-curricular activities in our fees. For example, although the Reception day is from 9am until 3.30pm, flexible wrap around care (including tea) is offered at no extra cost from 8am to 6pm, making this excellent value.

From Reception to Form VIII we proudly include all the following in our fees:

  • Wrap around care
  • Lunch & Evening Tea
  • Learning Support
  • In-Class Support

Optional Extras

There are some small costs for certain voluntary, co-curricular activities and school trips;

Individual Music Lessons £374.40 (ten lessons)

Shared Music Lessons £187.20 (ten lessons)

Hire of School Instrument £51.60 per term

Details of our extensive co-curricular activities, including costs, are circulated to parents before the start of each term.


All fees and charges are inclusive of any taxes (where applicable).

Invoices are presented at the end of each term and settlement is required by the first day of the following term. Tuition fees are charged in advance, extras are charges in arrears. Fees include accident and dental insurance. External examinations will incur a fee that will be passed onto those paying the school fee bill.

Please click on the link below to view this year’s school fees;

Nursery and Kindergarten

3 and 4 year old children will receive Funded Entitlement at their qualifying date (max 15 hours per week). Aftercare for Nursery/Kindergarten is charged as follows:

3.30pm-4.30pm (includes a hot tea): £9.50
4.30pm – 5.00pm: £3.10
5pm – 6pm: £6.25

Childcare Vouchers and the HM Government Childcare Choices Account

For children over the age of 5 years old, Childcare Vouchers or the HM Government Childcare Choices Account cannot be used to pay for school fees. They can only be accepted for chargeable, non-curricular activities that take place after school hours and appear separately on your fee bill. Childcare Vouchers or the HM Government Childcare Choices Account can also be used to pay for holiday clubs and toward school fees for children under the age of 5 years, only.

Pupils Personal Accident Insurance Scheme

Please find below information regarding the Pupil Personal Accident Insurance Scheme:

Sibling Discount

Sibling discounts are available to families who have 3 or more children being educated at Beachborough concurrently, from Reception upwards. A 10% discount will be applied to the school fees of the eldest child, whilst all children remain at Beachborough.

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees and insurances are charged in advance, extras are charged in arrears. Accounts are presented at the end of each term and settlement is required by the first day of the following term.

If you have any questions concerning fees, please do not hesitate to contact the bursary by calling 01280 709444.

Advanced Payment of Fees Scheme FAQs

These questions and answers are for illustration purposes only and do not form part of any agreement between parents, payer, or the School. If anyone seeks to rely on any information contained in this document, they should seek written confirmation from the School before entering into an agreement with the School.

What is meant by "Advance Payment of Fees"?

The School operates a scheme under which a family member, or someone else with the consent of the parents, may make an advance payment of fees by depositing a lump sum in the general funds of the School at any time after a place at the School has been accepted. In exchange for the Advance Payment, the School allows a discount in the fees, calculated at compound rates of interest. An Advance Payment should be made by cheque or BACS and may cover any number of terms subject to a minimum of three terms and a maximum of the number of terms that would take the pupil up to the end of Year 8. Payments in cash cannot be accepted.

How is the discount calculated?

The amount of the discount depends on interest rates and economic conditions at the time when the Advance Payment is made; it will be based upon the rate available for an equivalent term deposit at the time. The standard table provides an illustration of how the discount (commutation) is calculated.
A quotation should be requested from the Bursar which will set out the discount available to you based on the amount you wish to pay over a specified period. The commutation rate will be fixed for the period of the agreement.

Who is entitled to make an Advance Payment?

Anyone with parental responsibility, or with the consent of those who have parental responsibility, may make an Advance Payment. The School reserves the right to verify the identity of the payer and source of funds paid into the scheme.

What are the benefits to the family of making an Advance Payment?

The benefits can include:

  • Guarding against a future change in circumstances that might put the cost of private education beyond a family’s means
  • Providing an opportunity for estate planning for the purposes of inheritance and other taxes. In these cases, we strongly recommend that professional advice is first obtained from a tax adviser or accountant
  • Obtaining a discount on the fees that will eventually be payable, which is worth more the higher the rate of tax of the payer (see below)

Updated Dec 2023

At the time of going to print we are advised that the discount taken on the fees is not taxable. The gross discount actually obtained, therefore, is dependent upon the payer’s top rate of tax. For example, if the payer is a higher rate tax payer, paying tax at 40%, a 2.5% discount is equivalent to investing the money elsewhere at a gross rate of 4.2%.

What are the benefits to the School?

If the money forms part of the general funds of the School, it can help very considerably in developing the School’s facilities without incurring high levels of borrowing. The Governors are, however, prohibited by tax and charity law from passing on to parents the benefit of a charity’s exemptions and reliefs from taxation, but those exemptions and reliefs do themselves enable the Charity to benefit from accelerated payments of this kind.

Does the Advance Payment cover future fee increases?

No. Annual increases together with all other normal additional charges are invoiced and payable term by term in the normal way. Individual arrangements can, however, be made if required by means of an additional deposit of funds against which those increases and additional charges would be credited term by term with a discount.

How safe is my money?

The payer is in the position of an unsecured creditor regarding the Advance Payment. FIA receipts are not held in escrow, and unrestricted funds that the school has access to. However, the net capital assets of the School are substantial based on the 2023 statutory accounts.

What happened to any outstanding FIA balance if my child leaves the school?

If the pupil leaves the school, the balance of the funds after payment of all outstanding sums due to the School will be refunded to the person who originally paid the FIA, without interest.

Does an Advance Payment guarantee a place for my child?

No. Every pupil must be able to satisfy the admission requirements at the time which may include an academic assessment and a reference as to the pupil’s character and general progress.

What other terms and conditions apply to Advance Payments?

All payments are accepted under the Scheme Conditions, a copy of which is available from the Bursary. They in turn refer to the School’s standard terms and conditions, as varied from time to time, which also apply. In general, the person who makes an Advance Payment does not acquire any rights or obligations under the contract with the School unless he/she is a person with parental responsibility.

What is the next step?

To request a quotation please complete a quotation request form and return to Charlotte Wood, Bursar ( You will need to include details of the termly amount you wish to pay as a lump sum, as well as the number of terms you wish to pay over in order to receive a quotation.