What is included?
Beachborough Prep works hard to ensure fees represent good value for the outstanding all-round education we provide. We care about being as transparent as possible and for this reason, include everything, apart from optional music lessons, school trips, boarding and our co-curricular activities in our fees. For example, although the Reception day is from 9am until 3.30pm, flexible wrap around care (including tea) is offered at no extra cost from 8am to 6pm, making this excellent value.
From Reception to Form VIII we proudly include all the following in our fees:
- Wrap around care
- Lunch & Evening Tea
- Learning Support
- In-Class Support
Optional Extras
There are some small costs for certain voluntary, co-curricular activities and school trips;
Individual Music Lessons £374.40 (ten lessons)
Shared Music Lessons £187.20 (ten lessons)
Hire of School Instrument £51.60 per term
Details of our extensive co-curricular activities, including costs, are circulated to parents before the start of each term.
All fees and charges are inclusive of any taxes (where applicable).
Invoices are presented at the end of each term and settlement is required by the first day of the following term. Tuition fees are charged in advance, extras are charges in arrears. Fees include accident and dental insurance. External examinations will incur a fee that will be passed onto those paying the school fee bill.
Please click on the link below to view this year’s school fees;