Beachborough Newsletter: Friday 14th June 2024

Head TeacherHead’s Blog

“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.”  J. M. Barrie

This week, I have had the privilege of watching the Form IV and Form VIII Drama Showcases. The play “I am a 9 -Year-Old – Get me out of Here!” performed by Form IV, was full of cheeky humour with trials, challenges and snapshots of the wild and strange things experienced by Form IV in the Boardman, it  was a perfect way to end the year. My thanks go to Miss Sutherland, Mrs Johnson, Mrs McNamara and Mr Plowright for all their support of the children.

Form VIII took us on an eclectic journey with their “Variety Performance,” highlighting their many individual talents. The audience experienced laughter, tears, and everything in between! The show ended with their photographic journey through Beachborough, which was a privilege to watch. My thanks go to Mrs Andrew and Mrs Cox for helping the children organise and prepare their acts.

As I was watching, what struck me most about these performances was the confidence each and every one of the children displayed. Whether that be in delivering lines, singing, expressing humour, empathy or compassion.

Confidence is an essential foundation from which Beachborough children navigate through life’s challenges, build healthy relationships, express their views and find their place in the world. A confident child is willing to take risks and try new things. To speak up in class or in social situations, share their ideas and opinions with others. They are also willing to ask questions and seek help when they need it.

In years gone by, Drama was often misunderstood and labelled as a ‘soft’ subject by schools. This is not the case, however, at Beachborough, where we believe that drama holds tremendous value for the children and that it can play a pivotal role in shaping young minds, building essential life skills and contributing to a holistic educational experience.

The experience of studying and participating in drama is an invaluable experience, as it nurtures every aspect of a child’s growth, including their physical, mental and emotional well-being. Through drama lessons, the children are encouraged to express themselves freely and develop empathy for others. Sometimes, the enjoyment and relative freedom of a drama lesson can belie the analytical and reflective skills that are required to examine scripts and study characters in detail, while of course narrative skills are honed in the devising of stories and plays.

Drama at Beachborough extends beyond traditional performance, it nurtures confidence, communication skills, social interaction and self-awareness, and it is an essential component of a well-rounded education.

Last Friday, we attended the IAPS East Area Regional Athletics Championships, where there were over 50 schools in attendance. 15 pupils represented Beachborough at this competition and we had some fantastic performances, congratulations to all who took part.

On Sunday, we will be hosting the Beachborough and Brackley Triathlon at Stowe School. I look forward to seeing many of you there. Let’s hope the sun is out.

Wishing you a great weekend,


The IAPS East Area Regional Athletics Championships

On Friday, we took a squad of athletes from Forms VI to VIII to Bedford for the annual IAPS East Area Regional Athletics Championships. This meeting is always extremely well-contested, with talented track and field athletes competing from fifty schools in the region.

Although some of our athletes have competed on this stage before, for others it was a first. A special mention must go to Emilie S, Alex H and Ian D in Form VI – all three have had minimal experience at their respective events but have demonstrated great potential which they certainly displayed when competing.

Track and field events ran simultaneously in all areas of the stadium and our pupils enjoyed cheering each other on, demonstrating great camaraderie.

We enjoyed lots of individual success, with athletes qualifying for finals and new personal bests being achieved. We were thrilled to accumulate a few awards throughout the day; bronze medals were achieved by Ian D in the U11 Boys’ Javelin, Bella G in the U13 Girls’ High Jump, Edward C in the U13 Boys’ 75 m Hurdles and Jackson T in the U14 Boys’ Javelin. We were also extremely proud to have two gold medal winners – Josh S became Regional Champion in the U13 Boys’ 800m, and Jackson T smashed his personal best to win the U14 Boys’ High Jump.  Both boys will automatically represent the East Area at the Nationals, which will be held at Birmingham’s prestigious Alexander Stadium on 3rd July.

Since writing this report, we are delighted to share that both Ian D and Edward C have also been invited to participate in the National Championships. We wish our four talented Beachborough athletes the best of luck.

Mrs Little

A Staff Update:

Lisa Smith, our Head of Science, will be leaving Beachborough at the end of this academic year, as she has secured the position of Head of Science at Laxton Junior School, which is significantly closer to her home.

Lisa has made a huge impact on the teaching of science at Beachborough and will be missed, but I know you will join me in wishing her every success and happiness in her new role.

We are currently in the process of finalising the details, and I will be able to inform you of Lisa’s successor at the end of term.


Future of Transport Competition

This summer term, Form V pupils showcased their geographical prowess in the ‘Future of Transport’ competition. Working in groups, these young innovators spent weeks developing groundbreaking ideas, aimed at revolutionising transportation. Their hard work culminated in an exciting poster conference, held at the Whybrow Theatre last Friday.

The competition encouraged students to think creatively, combining their knowledge of geography and technology to propose new transport solutions. At the poster conference, each group presented their project to a panel of judges, who evaluated the projects based on innovation, scientific grounding, and clarity of presentation.

After much deliberation, the judges selected three winning groups. These consisted of: Juliet, Isla, Mac and Ayla, who impressed with their project on a luxurious solar panelled plane; Otto, Leo S and Fergus T, who designed an ‘eco magnetic ski lift’; and Monty, Eddie, Toby and Bruce, who presented cars which could run on crab shells and mycelium, as they can conduct electricity.

The ‘Future of Transport’ competition not only highlighted the incredible potential of our students but also inspired them to think critically about the technological challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.

Mrs Exarheas

IAPS National Swimming Championships

On Saturday 8th June, the IAPS National Swimming Championships took place at the London Aquatics Centre in the Olympic Park in London. 3 pupils qualified from Beachborough, Gabriel F in Form VIII, Beth J in Form VII and Julia M in Form VI all qualified for it, after coming through the Regional round at King Henry VIII Prep School in Coventry, in February.

Julia swam a PB in her heat at the Nationals of 38.56 in the U11 girls 50m backstroke; a wonderful effort. Both Gabriel and Beth made it through their respective age group heats (U13 boys and U12 girls 50m backstroke) at the Nationals to qualify for the finals of their event. Gabriel finished 8th in a time of 34.81, slightly slower than in his heat where he clocked a PB of 33.70 but nonetheless, to qualify for the Nationals for three successive years is a huge personal achievement. Beth meanwhile was 6th in her final in a time of 35.82. Both pupils should take great satisfaction from the fact that they are in the top 10 in the country for pupils in private education in backstroke. Many congratulations to all three swimmers on representing Beachborough so well on a national scale!

Mr Usher

Beachborough v Winchester House Cricket Match Report

BB dads run Winchester House close before seeing off Swanbourne, as they gear up for the BB Staff match.

Beachborough cricketing dads took to the field against Winchester House at Stowe, on 23rd May. Losing the toss, we fielded first and watched the opposition set off as if they meant business (in fairness they had been practicing and had played some matches already, whereas for most of us, it was our first encounter with a cricket ball since last year – at least!). Their top 3 batsmen retired (including some fella called Stoop – boo, hiss) and it was not until they were on 99 that we took the first wicket, with Sam Baldock’s pace proving too much. Sam promptly took another, and from there, the wickets fell reasonably regularly, mainly to Richard Gough, who showed that his unerring accuracy from all parts of the field could be replicated when bowling with three wickets to his tally.  Special mention for Rob Strange’s remarkable performance behind the stumps.  136 was the total for 6 down – a run out being the other wicket.

Volunteers to open the batting were few and far between, leaving skipper, Charlie Ashmore, holding the baby as it were. Jimmy Toller joined him, having made the fateful decision to be on the phone while the order was being sorted out. We lost our first 4 wickets too cheaply, finding ourselves at 29 for 4.  At that point, the middle order of David Hayle (15), Olly Ross (a superb aggressive 28 retired), and Joe Carroll (15), joined Charlie (27 retired) in taking the fight to the opposition, but although at one point the chase seemed on, we just ran out of steam ending on 124 for 6 in our 20 overs.

A much closer affair than last year when our total was picked off in under 10 overs, so it’s progress.

Special mention to Joe Carroll, who provided the moment of the match when he despatched Sam Stoop unceremoniously to the boundary, with a majestic on drive to resounding cheers from the boundary (albeit tinged with fear for what a riled Stoop would do to him with his next delivery).

Our second fixture was against Swanbourne at Westbury on a lovely Friday evening, coinciding with a barbecue and a host of friendly faces looking on.  Toss lost again – thanks Tim (Venn) – this time we batted first, and again, volunteers to open were sadly lacking, so Charlie again took the duty this time with Olly. A decent opening partnership ensued and when Olly was out, Jimmy Toller picked up where he left off, scoring a quickfire 25 before retiring.  Toby Tennant listened very carefully to the skippers advice, not to let his eyes light up at the bowling, and to have a look first and then proceeded to let his eyes light up, holing out to mid on. Rory Lavery was next up and his first ball, a stout forward defensive, was met with huge cheers from his fan club.  His next shot was a crashing four to the square leg boundary and was met with….er….silence.  Charlie was responsible for running Patrick Norwood out, catching him off guard as he attempted a quick single (not words that are normally heard, in fairness) and he followed shortly thereafter for 22.  Rory and Joe added 25 between them and the tail of Richard, Rob, and Andy (Yates) chipped in as well.

A respectable total of 115 but it felt a little light.

However, our bowlers took a grip on the match and never let go, supported by some superb fielding – Rory in particular covering the ground like a leopard hunting its prey, and Joe, whose smart pick up and return saw a run out delivered.  They were never ahead of the rate and fell further and further behind as the match wore on. Wickets were shared between Jimmy (who had the nerve to celebrate bowling his man with a full toss), Olly (who was under pressure in his third and final over having demanded he bowl uphill, and was relieved when the third over promptly delivered a couple of wickets), Toby (whose splendid caught and bowled had us all on tenterhooks, as he wobbled and teetered on the brink of collapsing like a felled tree, before regaining his balance with a huge sigh of relief) and Charlie.  With just two overs to go, they needed 36 and we looked secure. Sure enough, we saw it out and a glorious 19 run victory was enjoyed by all – possibly the first win for a BB parents team for some time.

Two matches left:

  • Sunday 23rd June v BB staff at BB at 2pm – spectators very welcome
  • Thursday 27th June v Stowe parents at Stowe – spectators also welcome, but appreciate that’s a less attractive one!

meeting linkThe Link: Monday 17th June

Is your child part of the Learning Zone? Please do come along to the next Link Meeting.

We’re excited to extend an invitation to our next Link meeting, where you’ll have the opportunity to connect with parents whose children are at the end of their Learning Zone journey.

Join us for a friendly and insightful session where you can ask questions, hear about their experiences, and gain valuable top tips from parents who have navigated the Learning Zone journey before you. It’s a fantastic opportunity to connect, share stories, and build a supportive community together.

We can’t wait to see you there!

The FIV Production

We are excited to report that our Form IV production, “I’m a 9-Year-Old… Get Me Out of Here!” was a hilarious hit! The children outdid themselves, braving the wilds of the school stage with more drama and flair than real celebrities! From the school dinner surprise to special memories and all the ‘cringe’-worthy moments, it was truly a riot of laughter and excitement. Their dedication was top-notch, making it an unforgettable show, and we hope you all enjoyed it too! Now, the final countdown is truly on before they finally leave The Boardman and “Get out of hereeeee!”

Mr Plowright

Club Credits!

CHAPPELL 94 484 5.15
CARDER 86 421 4.90
BOARDMAN 91 540 5.93
SPRAWSON 91 580 6.37

Wetlands Morning with FVII

On Wednesday morning, our FVII children spent the morning exploring the Wetlands.

With magnifying pots, trays, and pipettes in hand, the children identified the invertebrates and plants that are located there. They discovered a variety of snails, backswimmers, freshwater shrimp, and examples of pond plant life, such as common duckweed, amongst a number of other fascinating finds! Our FVII children also brought along data loggers and temperature probes, to assist them with their findings.

We feel lucky to have such wonderful on-site facilities, where our Beachburians can experience exciting, hands-on learning, frequently.

Mondays Flute and Recorder Concert!

On Monday evening, 7 of our Beachburians from FIII-FVIII performed in a Flute and Recorder Concert, along with Clementine (FIV), who played the oboe.

The children have been working hard alongside Mrs Sharam on their performance pieces, and had the opportunity to showcase their skills to friends, family, and fellow pupils.

Well done, girls! You were fantastic.

The East Area Regional Athletics Championships in Cambridge

On Tuesday 11th June, 11 pupils in Forms IV and V represented the school at the East Area Regional Athletics Championships in Cambridge, a junior version of the meeting that takes place in Bedford each year which our pupils in Forms VI, VII and VIII attend. Some of the pupils were competing on a tartan track for the very first time and with 30 schools in attendance, this was arguably one of the biggest stages they would have been on in their sporting lives thus far. Special mention should go to Form IV pupils, Krystian B and Amiyah S, who both made their respective 75m finals after qualifying from their heats and Henry W, who ran an aggressive 600m to finish 5th in the U10 boys’ final. Fergus T in Form V made the final of the U11 boys’ 100m, finishing 6th overall in it, whilst William G ran a really courageous 800m and came 5th in the U11 boys’ final of that event.

The pupils would have gained great experience from the day, which will set them up well for the future. Finally, a huge thanks to the Form VII helpers, Edward C, Bella G and Josh S, who were all a great source of support to me on the day, helping to take the pupils to their events and passing on useful advice and tips to the athletes.

Mr Usher

The results are in! 

Due to the rain that set in after they reached Swanbourne House, some of the U8 matches had to be improvised and therefore there were no results recorded.


dogs for goodThis weekend is the last weekend to enter our virtual pet show!

If you would like to donate and enter your pet,  please send a photograph or short video clip to  by Monday 17th June, and donate to the page below:

Beachborough School is fundraising for Dogs For Good (

Thank you for your continued generosity!

What’s on next week?

Mon 17th
Form VIII Residential departs
8.15am – 9.15am – The Link (Manor House Library 1st floor)*

Tues 18th
Tutor Team Meeting
All Day – LAMDA EXAMS – Pre-Prep 1 & 2, Forms III, IV, V, VI & VII
6.30am – 6.45pm – Prep School Esports Tournament at Cottesmore School
2.00pm – 3.00pm – Reception Class Trip to Westbury Café
3.00pm – Mixed Boys’ & Girls’ Cricket: U9 Jets, Spitfires, Concordes, Cessnas & Helicopters v
Spratton Hall (A)*
5.15pm – 6.00pm – Parents’ Evening for Manor House Transition (The old Library)*

Weds 19th
Year Group Assembly
9.00am – 11.00am – Form V Showcase (Dress Rehearsal) (The Whybrow)
2.30pm – Girls’ Cricket: Colts A and B v Milton Keynes Prep (H)*
2.30pm – Girls’ Cricket: Colts Cavaliers and Tigers v Ashfold (H)*
2.30pm – Boys’ Cricket: Colts A and C v Milton Keynes Prep (Campbell Park, Milton Keynes)*
2.30pm – Boys’ Cricket: Colts B, D and E v Wellingborough (A)*
2.30pm – Boys’ Cricket: U12A v Winchester House (H)*
2.30pm – Boys Cricket: U12B v Pitsford (H)*
3.00pm – 7.00pm – First Aid course (Old Library)

Thurs 20th
9.00am – 10.00am – Form III End of Year Assembly (The Whybrow)
11.30am – 1.00pm – Form V Showcase (Technical Rehearsal) (The Whybrow)
1.45pm – 3.00pm – 2+ Discovery Event
6.00pm – 7.00pm – Form V Showcase (The Whybrow)*

Fri 21st
12.30pm – 1.15pm & 1.45pm – 3.30pm – Early Years and Pre-Prep Sports Day
(Kindergarten/Nursery to PP2)*
Form VIII Residential returns

Sun 23rd

2.00pm – Cricket: Headteachers’ XI v Beachborough Friends (Parents) XI*
2.00pm – Tennis: Beachborough Mum’s Tennis Afternoon