
In Beachborough’s Pre-Prep, we aim to give children an excellent start to their education and learning adventure.

Our experienced Pre-Prep teachers deliver a curriculum which is broad, balanced and creative. It is adapted to suit individual children’s needs and interests so that they are confident, well prepared and highly motivated learners.

Our teachers create a vibrant, stimulating environment, nurturing deep, dynamic learning and enabling children to grow in confidence; but most important of all, encouraging them to love learning. Being able to reflect on their own individual progress is very important, and something we encourage right from the start. We have high expectations for our children’s behaviour. We teach them how to show empathy, to be kind, honest, and considerate towards others.

“We aim to challenge and inspire our pupils and equip them for the future, whatever it may hold”

There are four School Clubs (Houses), and each is a group of Reception to Form Vlll children with various activities and competitions throughout the year, which are Club based. Pupils can both win and earn credits when they show any of our Intellectual Characteristics through collaborative and individual tasks. These characteristics underpin our curriculum and guide pupils’ education as they progress through the school.

The Pre-Prep is housed in a special, purpose-built building named The Boardman, with its own outside areas and playgrounds for the children to enjoy. Nursery and Kindergarten, Reception and PP1 pupils all have a designated space outside their classrooms, and everyone enjoys playing in the large play area, with the climbing frame, on the front lawn.

Classes are kept small, creating a caring, friendly, environment where children are taught at their own individual level so they can progress at the right pace. At this age, children are very energetic and responsive, and so, we make sure there is a good balance between active participation and written work. Lessons are taught using a variety of methods to ensure all children are engaged in their learning and feel inspired. Children also spend plenty of time exploring and learning in our magical Forest School area; a place where we can teach the core curriculum using more creative approaches that complement our traditional classroom teaching. We monitor the children’s academic progress carefully, stepping in to provide individual tuition when it is needed, and ensuring that every child is challenged in line with their ability.

Pre-Prep 1 and 2 follow the National Curriculum Key Stage One. Although play is still an important part of a child’s development, the school day begins to follow a more structured timetable with an exciting, broad and creative curriculum. English, Maths, and Science are the core subjects, alongside the Performing Arts, creative subjects, ICT, languages and Sport. Many of these are taught by the Prep School staff giving the children two years to become familiar with these teachers before they move up to Form III and the Prep School. By the time they reach the end of PP2, our pupils have built secure foundations for their future education, with the skills, motivation and determination that they need to succeed.

Children go on an exciting variety of trips in PP1 and PP2, and they have special days when they dress up as Victorians, for example, to bring their learning to life. The focus is very much on inspiring and sparking pupils’ curiosity. Each child has a weekly 30-minute instrumental lesson, where they have the chance to try out different instruments; currently, these include keyboard, recorder, violin, and ukulele. This gives them the opportunity to have a go at different types of instruments before deciding which one they prefer. The music teachers also advise parents if they feel a child might have a particular talent for an instrument.

Pre Prep Curriculum

Please click on the link below to view the curriculum framework for Reception to Pre-Prep 2.