Academic Challenge

At Beachborough Prep, we are deeply committed to challenging and supporting every child, including those who demonstrate high level abilities. The curriculum takes account of the needs of those pupils considered to be able to learn at a higher level and at a faster pace, ensuring that they are stretched and develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in order to reach their full potential. A Higher Level Learner is defined as a pupil who achieves, or has the potential to achieve, at a level significantly higher than that of his or her peers within the school.

Higher Level Learners are identified in all year-groups across the school. This information is stored and reviewed on a termly basis. These pupils are given opportunities both within and outside of the regular curriculum to develop their abilities, gifts and talents.

We are members of NACE and Potential Plus UK, who provide guidance to staff and parents. We work closely with the SENDCo and Learning Success Department to monitor pupils who are diagnosed as DME (Dual & Multiple Exceptional), meaning that they have high cognitive abilities as well as a SEND profile.

Our approach starts with careful tracking and monitoring of every pupil’s progress. This allows us to identify areas of strength and ensure that those who show exceptional aptitude are provided with tailored learning experiences which encourage growth and exploration. Each lesson is designed to cater to the individual needs of every child, ensuring that they are all continuously challenged and engaged. We also make use of standardised testing, such as Cambridge Primary Insights and Cognitive Ability Tests, to identify our Higher-Level Leaners.

We believe that Higher-Level Learners should be stretched in all areas of the curriculum. Whether a pupil excels in mathematics, the sciences, the arts, or sports, we provide opportunities for them to deepen their skills and knowledge. For pupils who show outstanding talent, our specialist programmes offer an enhanced learning experience:

Sparks Club provides a unique opportunity for pupils to engage their minds and explore complex topics outside of the standard curriculum. This club encourages critical thinking, and problem-solving.

Pascal Lectures invite Higher-Level Learners to present on topics of personal interest, allowing them to delve deeply into a subject they are passionate about and share their findings with peers and teachers.

Tales from my Travels Lectures provide Higher-Level Learners the platform to discuss their experiences from holidays or travels, encouraging them to develop communication skills and cultural awareness.

Beyond the classroom, Beachborough Prep offers a diverse co-curricular program designed to stretch all pupils both intellectually and creatively. All pupils can explore activities such as chess, debating, and creative arts, which further enhance their critical thinking and strategic skills.

For pupils pursuing scholarships to their senior schools, we offer specific coaching and mentoring tailored to the scholarship process. There are Scholarship Sets in Forms VII and VIII to meet the needs of the most able pupils and to prepare for academic scholarships to senior schools. Heads of Department and subject-specialist teachers also provide advice, guidance and mentoring to pupils preparing for scholarships in other areas of the curriculum, such as Music, Drama and Art. This ensures that scholars are well-prepared and supported as they advance in their academic journey.

To further challenge our Higher-Level Learners, we organise trips and visits, providing opportunities for pupils to collaborate with their peers and experience different learning environments. Additionally, pupils are encouraged to participate in national competitions across a range of subjects, including mathematics, science, the arts, and sports. Competing at a national level allows them to test their abilities, develop resilience, and gain recognition for their exceptional skills.

At Beachborough Prep, academics are extremely important and we celebrate each child’s unique abilities and strive to create an environment where Higher-Level Learners can flourish academically, artistically, and personally.